Accepting diversity is an important habit

Accepting diversity

Why is accepting diversity so important to stay healthy? Diversity is defined as various races, sexual orientations, diverse political beliefs, and several ethnicities. There is simply a philosophical point of view on whether to tolerate or not diversity.

A high level of social interconnection has been shown to be effective on social entities and residents. You don’t have to be surprised if researchers from different backgrounds or disciplines try to investigate which factors mainly contribute to social cohesion. You can find now two people living next to each other in, the same neighborhoods and they accept each other. This could be considered a small test. However, teaching diversity requires a well-equipped plan and great discussions.

Accepting diversity is like a gift

Accepting diversity is a gift and few have come to realize its importance. It is a chance for people to embrace each other and accept each other’s uniqueness, but also a source of creativity and richness. Coming from any town which bears a lot of important memories throughout the history of my country as many ethnic groups passed there, diversity is then not a strange word to you. Therefore, the different traditions that were transferred throughout generations till our present day, and the differences that are revealed as a means to learning new things would help me bring new perspectives to my life.

Cultural diversity

Accepting diversity is a major habit you should always try to have it. We are living in one world. Sports groups or any workplace is also a meeting point for various ideologies, educational methods, lifestyles, religious sects, etc… which constitute its rich environment. Having a diverse organization helps notice the values of others, learn respect for persons you might not know, and especially understand that the world is full of various cultures and different beliefs. Actually, different groups of people mean that there will be a variety of issues to discuss.  This helps people because many perspectives will be learned. Cultural diversity allows us to learn the uniqueness of this world, no one can express that diversity in culture is not important.

Future community

Furthermore, when I get to be a member of any future community, I will make sure to play my part in its diversity by adding my perspectives in many fields and sharing with others the French style of education because as French we learn at least two languages starting at a young age, food, traditions, as well as stories about history and the different ethnic groups who passed through our land and kept numerous values which still live on till today.  The point here is that everyone will have something that makes them who they are.

The process of discovery once I share this part of my background with other members of the community will strengthen creativity, understanding, invention, collaboration, etc… for all members and mainly for my personal habit program.

Diversity against racism

Diversity in itself helps society to eliminate racism and enhance the values of tolerance between every person to achieve equality regardless of race, gender, religion…

When any society is rich in diversity, it is a normal state to be successful. Because it is what our survival depends on. Hearing about another perspective our experience can surely shed light on life that you don’t even think of. For instance, when you talk to someone new, certain ideas, and certain mindsets could change, and certain values could also be modified according to a certain level. Many things could be scary for our brains could be changed. Being flexible in life helps a lot. As humans, we get to see things or occasions through many lenses, and different angles.

Read also: Accepting Diversity: A Multicultural Approach

Through this you will definitely experience, the feelings of diversity have to offer. Promoting diversity is not only about speaking about it. The first main step should be through growing contact with other people. You have to be exposed to other communities which are totally different from yours. You start learning by yourself and how to relate several things. The other person doesn’t have to be your enemy, problem, or barrier. After all, you can find that the other person has a lot in common. In case you felt a big difference now you need to understand that respect is required.

For sure increasing familiarity with these occasions can shape and shift your perspectives not only this. Cultivate your acceptance which leads to reducing the level of race problems.

Accepting diversity is important for holistic health

Finally, Ensuring and improving social contact between races, have become a major target for our public lifestyle, not only, but in any political decision and any academic or working decisions. Creating communities where humans, are able to meet each other and interact on any subject. In case this subject is neutral or positive ground is a great precondition for coming years. Where diversity, with all aspects, is accepted and then society will be built stronger and on stable grounds. The individual mentality has an important factor in determining how good or effective social cohesion the society will be.

Great effort will be required to offer the world a chance to be on the road of acceptance of diversity while respecting all human rights such as political, civil, economic, cultural, and human rights. It is essential not to forget all human rights.

All different, all equal

It is not only significant to accept others who are not like you. It is vital to go beyond this, as an equal person with equal dignity. “All different, all equal” European campaign vs racism.

A very serious issue, that also has to be taken into consideration, is how to guarantee cultural pluralism without falling into the trap of cultural relativism.

In the end, the struggle for the reception of diversity and its credit as a

value to be protected and sponsored is far from being earned. We should not unreceptive accept and undertake. On the opposing, discussion and conversation between cultures must be sponsored, through schooling and intercultural learning. Peace and harmony must be collected on respect for the other and for otherness, difference, and diversity on the foundation of a common ethic of humanity—that of the identical dignity of each human existence.

As mentioned in the very first sentence people cannot be forced to do anything however, in case there is something not clear through these facts about accepting racism, we can start showing everyone the positive impact of diversity.

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