
5 Liver destroying habits – see the biggest ones!

Do you have some liver destroying habits? You want to know which habits can destroy your liver?

The liver is a complex organ that has a significant impact on our overall health. This smart organ is located in the upper part of our abdomen, We can’t live without this amazing organ because this big factory is simply the driving force of our body and does major missions. The human liver executes different tasks simultaneously, such as it filters toxins, produces bile, during digestion our liver transforms carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins into other substances which our body needs. Therefore, some major tasks are listed here below for additions.

  • First, our brain, heart, kidneys etc… need constant energy supply. Therefore, during eating all the food intake will be placed first in our guts and then it goes directly to our liver in order to be stored and packed. Furthermore, the liver uses the stores of glucose and fat by sending signals through blood. In case any human stayed without food for long time and be assured that our liver will provide a constant supply of usable energy. So, this energy finally supplied for our organs.
  • Second, in case of any toxins present in our body the liver constantly cleans our blood. These toxins could be coming from the food we eat and our intestines. Our liver regularly cleans blood and gets rid of these toxins that can be harmful if they are not removed.
  • Third, the liver is a smart organ. It converts waste products into youthful green juice called bile which helps us digest food. Also, the liver delivers the bile to the intestines through a small tube and the remaining extra bile is stored in the gallbladder for immediate release whenever we eat.
  • Fourth major task, another important job of our liver is to make clotting factors and control the production of platelets. These are the building blocks of our blood clots; they are important to heal cuts and wounds and stop bleeding in any case of injury.

Finally, our liver needs energy and oxygen. It gets energy from the blood coming from the gut and get fresh oxygen from the blood coming from our lungs.

Every year, 2 million people die from liver disease around the world. Therefore, a healthy liver is essential for a healthy life. Remember through these numbers are sobering, they highlight an major opportunity to improve public health given that we can decrease these numbers through prevention.

So how can we know if we take good care of our liver? Sometimes we make little mistakes without understanding it, or certain lifestyle habits that are not suitable for the health of our bodies. Simply, a lot of habits can harm the liver you should get rid of it.

Liver destroying habits, no1- Eating high-cholesterol foods destroys liver

Dietary Cholesterol break out directly to your liver. Most people have heard that eating high cholesterol is bad for the heart, but in fact, it is worse for your liver.

An extra amount of fat accumulates in the liver and damages it slowly over time. In other words, your liver needs to work harder to process these food items. Therefore, the presence of high saturated fats can increase the risk of inflammation overtime and convert into cirrhosis. Plus it raises the bad cholesterol and decrease the good cholesterol level in human body and of course increases the risk of having heart disease, sudden strokes and fatty liver.

Fatty liver disease happens when body is not able to manage glucose and insulin properly, especially in people who have diabetes, who are overweight, have high blood pressure or high cholesterol, so you can avoid red meat foods with excessive fats, egg yolk, salty snacks and junk foods. Instead, replace them with vegetables, high fiber food and whole grains.

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Liver destroying habits, no2- lacking in sleep destroy liver

Like the old saying, go early to bed and early to rise is the best way to live with a healthy liver.

As we grow older, we begin to be put aside either for pleasure or for obligations. Going to bed early can often be a difficult habit to start due to our various work, family and social obligations, but our body is designed so that while we sleep, specific detoxification processes are carried out. Our lymphatic system, for example, detoxifies. First, there are processes that are carried out properly only when we are sound asleep. If we break these natural cycles of our body habitually, we will end up feeling the consequences. So, try to the extent, follow a schedule and above all, get a good night’s rest because losing only one night without sleep may affect the liver’s ability to produce and process insulin in addition increases the risk of having a fatty liver illness.

Liver destroying habits, no3- Never hold the urge to urinate!

The best way to make sure you remove the buildup of waste in the body is by going to the toilet first thing in the morning. Some people get up in a great hurry and leave the house with the idea of having breakfast or a coffee at work. And then there looking for a bathroom to urinate quietly. It is a dangerous habit. Resisting the urge to urinate can damage not only our kidneys but also our liver.

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Liver destroying habits, no4- skipping breakfast in the morning affects the liver

Usually, people who skip breakfast and eat late at night are at high risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver illness. In the morning our glucose storage is very low and it is a state that affects our liver since it prevents it from obtaining energy to fulfill its essential functions. Therefore, skipping breakfast is a crime against our liver, humans start to abuse their body in that way, the main reason when eating time is pushed, people just gobble what comes in their way. So, fast food will be the best. Note, that after pushing the time of breakfast we will be eating larger amount of food than usual. Remember, together these factors will lead for a fatty liver. Do not forget to add up on your personal schedule this essential part of your nutrition during morning time. Finally, your body, your liver and your brain need this basic energy supply to start the day and function properly.

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Liver destroying habits, no5- Excessive alcoholic beverages affect the liver

If you are taking a small amount of alcohol your liver will be able to break down alcohol so that it can leave your body through urines. In case you drink an excessive amount, your liver starts to have a hard time processing the alcohol. Therefore, our liver cells will have to work more and later on they will be damaged.

Hence, the term fatty liver is often mentioned when the subject of alcoholic liver disease is raised. Thus, it is harmful to the organ and prevents it from fulfilling its essential functions thus breaking its chemical balance and destroying its liver cells.

Remember both binge and excessive drinking over the long term can result in liver diseases and here are three stages of alcoholic liver disease, fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis. All these, three diseases are related to alcoholic intake therefore controlling this intake could be beneficiary for human liver health.

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In conclusion, remember the main role of liver is to remove toxins from human bodies, processing food intake, regulating metabolism. Therefore, I believe a healthy body and healthy choices equals a healthy liver.

Check the site American Liver Foundation for more info on how to keep your live healthy!

The best thing you can do is go to your trusted doctor. Also, try these simple tips to improve your lifestyle. It costs nothing and your health will appreciate it. Now you know major liver destroying habits. Take care of your liver. Take care of your life from now on.

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