Healthy heart habits you should do to keep him safe


Healthy heart habits: no 1: Blood pressure test

“Your heart must not be exhausted or make him work more than required”

Hypertension is not a good sign for your heart because it puts stress on your arteries pushing them to become narrower and stiffen, so your heart muscles become weaker over time.

This stress will lead to blood vessels in your brain and lead to stroke. Ideally, human blood pressure must not be more than 120 over 80.  Remember that your top number is when your heart is contracting, and a lower number is when your heart is at rest.


Therefore, if you always check out your blood pressure you will be able to see if anything is wrong. In case you have hypertension many things could be taken into account to decrease it.

  • Loose weight because the excess weight will drive your heart to work harder so it will need to pump blood throughout your body.
  • Decrease your alcohol intake because this overconsumption can increase blood pressure.
  • Exercising is a magical pill as already mentioned just above.
  • Hypertension is linked to the amount of intake of salt and sugar. World health organization recommends keeping salt intake around 5 grams per day.

Healthy heart habits: no 2- Avoid smoking

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