You can never determine when lower back pain will strike. However, you can have a specific strategy to cope with this pain. For sure, a sufficient of people are struggling with back pain; 8 of 10 people experience lower back pain at a certain point in their lives.
As you all know, the spine is constructed of bones, and many of them are exposed to injuries due to many factors. For instance, joints that connect vertebras one to another can be subjected to injuries; discs may appear, which may cause deformation in your body and irritate near nerves.
All the issues mentioned could cause you many different lower back pains. However, many people try to go to the doctor, try to take numerous types of medications to loose pain, and continue the same routine. Certain activities in our daily lives have to be modified.
Therefore, throughout this article, we will be ready to identify what can cause lower back pain and try to avoid these habits as much as you can.
What can cause lower back pain?
Lower Back pain can be a symptom of different illnesses and circumstances. Different kinds of issues can cause back pain. The main one is a problem with the back or an issue related to another part of your body.
- Stress involves back muscle injuries, such as back sprains, back strains, chronic overload of the lower muscles due to being overweight, sudden short-term of the back muscles, and unhealthy standing for a long time.
- Illnesses of lower back pain, due to problems that happened in accidents, sometimes your bones are broken due to thinning disease.
- Certain illnesses are related to age or genetic predisposition, which appears in line with time.
- Also, many pains are connected to spinal nerves, including nerve problems caused by the pressure of two vertebrae on a nerve or spinal stenosis, known as a reduction of the spinal canal.
- Presence of kidney infections or stones inside the kidneys, which may cause lower back pain.
- Moreover, you can also find many rare conditions that could cause lower back pain. For example, inflammatory arthritis, infections that may be in the disc space, bone, etc.
Preventing lower back pain and how to treat it?
Preventing lower back pain is also a way to treat your body. Therefore, you have to take certain measures to reduce exposure to any activities that lead to back pain. These measures that may help prevent back pain are mentioned here as follows:
- Preserve decent posture.
- Try to sleep on your side or your back, with a pillow underneath your knees if possible.
- Work out frequently, but stretch before and after exercising.
- Insert certain types of practices, such as abdominal crunches, to fortify your abdominal muscles to contain all the pressure instead of transferring it to your back. It is simply a support for your lower back. Similarly, walking or swimming activities regularly are important to strengthen your lower back.
- Continuously lift objects from a squatting stand; use your hips and legs to reduce the pressure on your back for heavy work. Be aware and avoid certain motions done at same the time such as lifting, twisting, and bending.
- Avoid prolonged periods of sitting or standing.
- Be smart about what kind of shoes you pick. Especially, all your load will be transferred via this shoe. Try to select a shoe with wear soft-soled feelings and high or mid heels of approx. 3cm.
To help avoid osteoporosis, be aware to increase your intake of enough calcium and vitamin D regularly to meet the dietary necessities for your age.
Try always to pursue a routine program of weight-bearing workouts. Avoid smoking and intake of alcohol, and keep your body functions on steady way.
In case you are a female who has entered menopause, contact your doctor to provide the required testing for osteoporosis and medications that can aid in avoiding it. Osteoporosis for men is different, however, you have to complete a test concerning bone density when you pass the age of 60. Always try to avoid bad habits. Keep your diet procedures well, remove all kinds of smoking or alcohol intake, and increase swimming activities.
Treating lower back pain differs from person to person; however, most episodes of back pain are not serious, so preferably certain acts could help, such as; Partial bed relaxation.
- Using certain medications, such as anti-inflammatory medications for lower back pain or cream anti-inflammatory medications, Of course, with the presence of a doctor inspection before any intake of medications.
- Muscle massage relaxations or a physiotherapist or osteopath session to reduce the pain without any medications, if necessary, for a short period.
- Try to have hot or cold bathtubs to increase the blood circulation inside muscles and make them regenerate.
In addition to the criteria mentioned in the upper part, you have to be aware not to lift anything, gradually return to your normal activities, change your healthy diet, and Avoid prolonged periods of sitting or standing.
During recovery, the doctor will ask you to pass by the clinic daily to follow up on your symptoms and your gradual return. If you have a severe case, it will not improve for several weeks. Your doctor will refer you to a specialist, such as a physiotherapist, to complete your rehab.
For rare conditions and surgeries, your doctor could divert your case to a specialist, such as a doctor specializing in bone diseases or a neurologist, to conduct your case and complete the required actions.
How long your lower back pain will last is very important. As mentioned in the sections above, preventive activities are major. Don’t lose yourself just to make your inner desires happy, and after all, you lose your health. Check your symptoms; it is an alarm. At some point, read this report and understand the required tips to keep your back status in an upright manner.
J. Miles is a board-certified general medicine physician with over a decade of experience in delivering comprehensive care to individuals of all ages. With a focus on preventive medicine, holistic wellness, and chronic disease management.